WMB Meeting Minutes

Washington Master Beekeepers

Minutes of the WMB Meeting of 10/14/2020

The zoom meeting began at 12:30.

Members present:

            Bob Combs, Ted Swenson, Jerry Tate, Scott Ingles, Andy Matelich, Joan Nolan,
Daren Mumau, Teri McGarr, and Louis Matej.

  • Treasurer Report: Current bank balance is $X,XXX.xx.
  • President’s Report:  Bob Combs talked with the WSBA president, Kevin Oldenburg.  Kevin Oldenburg was not willing to set the record straight regarding Master Beekeepers being pushed out of the state association and then insulted by the previous president.  Without an apology from WSBA (not a personal apology) reconciliation is not going to happen. 

Old Business:

  • Master Curriculum:  No known progress.  Louis Matej and Bob Combs will take over with Louis as lead.
  • Journeyman course write-up is ongoing.  Jerry Tate and Bob Combs will work towards an 80% standard with each local association finishing the remaining 20% according to their program.
  • Grant’s were discussed.  Any beekeeper of an association affiliated with WMB
    may submit a research proposal to WMB.  If approved WMB will match any funding with the proviso that a paper with the research objectives and outcomes are submitted at the end of the research effort.

New Business:

  • Master Candidate:  A motion to approve Bob Combs Master Beekeeper Certification was made.  The motion was approved by all.
  • Patches:  Patches are available.  The apprentice patch will cost $3.00 each, first come first serve.
  • Website:  Teri McGarr has volunteered to head the website revitalization program.  Two assistants also volunteered to help.  Jerry Tate and Ted Swenson. 
  • Reach Out efforts:  Discussion of reach out efforts was discussed with all agreeing that WMB needs new folks.  A discussion point that needs to be highlighted during outreach is WSU approving and Dr. Brandon Hopkins being a co-author of the Apprentice Bee Book.

Election of Officers:  The election of officers was postponed until the January 2021 meeting.  Date to be announced as soon as possible. 

The meeting was adjourned.

Jerry Tate

WMB Secretary
